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How to Get Flat Tummy/Stomach in Just 21 Days - Flat Belly Tips

Do you want to reduce your tummy fat and want flat stomach? Getting flat belly is the most searched query in the internet because lots of peoples are gaining unnecessary weight every day. Nowadays if you want to look good then you have to control your weight and have to do some exercise to reduce fat from your stomach and whole body. Here i am going to tell you some simple but very effective method to reduce belly fat and get flat stomach easily. More than 70% peoples have got success on getting flat tummy through this amazing method. Lets try this and get flat stomach today.

How to get Flat Stomach?
Having a flat belly and a healthy stomach is not something simple, but combining good nutrition with an exercise routine is possible to burn fat from the area and reduce measures. Perseverance and discipline will be your best allies to achieve this goal and get the figure you want to have, do not give up trying and put into practice the following exercises to have a flat belly that we show in this one-way article.
Steps to follow:

Exercise 1: Sit-ups
Undoubtedly, between exercises to have a flat stomach can not miss a good combination of abs. These are the ones that work best to burn the fat accumulated in the abdomen area and shape the belly. You can combine the classic trunk lift with side sit-ups , and gradually make your sit-ups with your legs elevated to work all your muscles.

Exercise 2: Board
This is another of the best exercises to get a flat tummy. You should put yourself in the position of doing push-ups , supporting your forearms on the floor and lowering your body until it is parallel to the floor. Once in this posture, contract your abs as much as you can and hold it for 1 minute. If at first you can not keep up this way for a long time, increase gradually until you get to one minute.
Exercising To Have A Flat Tummy - Step 2Source: fitness.com

Exercise 3: Leg Lifting
With the following exercise to have a flat belly you can tonify the lower abdominals very quickly. Lying on the belly floor up and with the arms located next to the buttocks, you should elevate the pelvis by contracting all the muscles of the abdomen. Hold in this position for a few minutes, bouncing up and down without supporting your buttocks on the floor. Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions each.

Exercise 4: Bicycle
Lie on the belly mat up and keep your arms glued to the body. Now raise your legs, bend your knees and start to make the same movement as if you were pedaling a bicycle. Perform the exercise with the abdomen always contracted and then you can do sit-ups while cycling with your legs, as the picture shows.

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